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Einfach zu Hause trainieren!

Bleib fit & gesund, liebes medifit-Mitglied!

Gib hier deinen Gutschein-Code ein und klicke auf "Einlösen".

Online-Training für dich.

Das ist!

So mobil wie du:

Einfach überall trainieren!

Laptop, Computer, Smartphone oder TV – dein fitnessRAUM ist immer da, wo du bist.

Wie willst du trainieren?

Mit Rundum-sorglos-Paket

Unsere perfekt konzipierten Programme: alles drin, was du brauchst, um deine Ziele garantiert zu erreichen!

Trainings-Programm starten

Training selbst zusammenstellen

BBP, Fatburner oder Yoga – Du weißt, was du trainieren willst? Dann wähle aus über 2.000 Kursen dein Lieblingstraining nach Länge, Level & Laune.

Kurse zusammenstellen

Zu Hause trainieren leicht gemacht!

Trainingskalender, Tagebuch & Erfolgstracking

Motivation ist alles!

Deine Ziele

Deine Ziele immer fest im Blick – mit der Wochenübersicht.

Dein Trainingsplan

Keinen Kurs verpassen: Welches Training an welchem Tag ansteht, verrät der Blick in deinen Trainingskalender.

Deine Erfolge

Dein Erfolgstracking zeigt, warum sich dein Einsatz lohnt.

Fitness auf dem Teller:

Unsere Ernährungs-Programme

Die perfekte Kombi

Vor allem wenn du Gewicht verlieren möchtest, ist es wichtig, neben deinen Trainings- auch deine Ernährungsgewohnheiten zu hinterfragen. Dabei wollen wir dir helfen: Nicht mit dogmatischen Regeln oder bedenklichen Diätkonzepten, sondern mit leckeren Rezepten, konkreten Ernährungsplänen und Alltagstipps, die dir gesundes Essen schmackhaft machen.

Feel free. Feel fit. 
Feel Spaß!

Fragen zum Online-Training

In you'll find:

  • Over 2.000 courses in HD quality resolution
  • Over 20 sports - beginners to advanced
  • Workouts to improve your fitness levels and get a great body (incl. LBT, body shaping, fat burner, HIIT, functional training
  • Wellbeing and "Body and Mind" courses (including yoga, Pilates, Tai chi, meditation)
  • Health courses (including back training, mobilization, stretching)

Trust our more than 15-years of experience. All courses are perfectly optimized for you to easily be able to train at home and on the go.


The majority of courses in don't require any expensive equipment. All that you'll normally need is comfortable sportswear, good sports shoes and a non-slip mat or a yoga mat

You can find the equipment you need in the course details. You can also look for it in the search option - just select the "no equipment" option.


New courses are added to every month. You can find out about this in our newsletter, our magazine and under "My Studio". All of our new courses are also marked as "New".


Get in shape with the best trainers and fitness experts in Germany! Every single one of them is an expert in their field, motivating the clients worldwide - both online and offline!

Bild: Johanna Fellner Johanna Fellner
... has the title of Reebok Global Trainer and is one of the most renowned fitness experts in Germany
Bild: Michaela Süßbauer Michaela Süßbauer
... is one of the most in-demand developers and presenters of innovative sports programs
Bild: Stefanie Rohr Stefanie Rohr
... is a Reebok Master Trainer, a personal trainer and also develops the fitness trend BODEGA moves®
Bild: Young-Ho Kim Young-Ho Kim
... inspires us by combining Eastern philosophy with Western training methods
Bild: Nina Winkler Nina Winkler
... is a personal / group fitness trainer and an internationally renowned author
Bild: Anette Alvaredo Anette Alvaredo
... is a passionate physiotherapist and Pilates trainer
Bild: Dirk Pinnig Dirk Pinnig
... is a sought-after sports scientist, health coach and fitness trainer

To learn more about our trainers, check out our "Trainers" page.


No, anybody can get fit(ter)! It doesn't matter if you are a beginner, a recreational athlete or a fitness professional - there are courses to fit every need and taste.

If you've had health problems or haven't exercised for a long period of time, you should first visit your doctor and discuss your training goals. Our general rule is to challenge you, but you should never overstrain yourself. You should always listen to your body and stop training if an exercise starts to become uncomfortable or painful. It's also important to always do all exercises as precisely and with as much control as possible, following the trainers' instructions.


Absolutely! All you need to do is click on the little heart that appears in the right-hand corner of each course, and the workout will be added to your list of favorites.

Here, you can store and find your favorite courses, as well as easily sort them according to different criteria (e.g. duration, rating, level) and add your personal notes.


Weekly goals determine how many minutes of exercise you do per week and the number of calories you want to burn during your workouts. These values will be automatically transferred to the following week, unless you decide to change them. You can set these goals in "My Studio".

Once you've completed a workout and clicked on it to mark it as such, we'll add it to your training diary and you'll then be able to see your scores. The data is automatically synchronized so it will also work if you click on your training session from the iPhone app.

You'll need to enter your weight and height in order to get your personal calorie turnover. Please don't forget to enter this information or an average value will be displayed instead. You can do this in My Studio -> Your Body.

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